Saturday, October 6, 2018

Fantasy Lighting Festival at Oceanus Waterfront, Kota Kinabalu

About two weeks ago, my brother took me and my mom to this festival where we got to see lighting festival here at Oceanus Shopping Mall, Kota Kinabalu. Surely there were lots more attractions at the festival like the lighting tunnel, flowers and of course the full moon setup but what caught my attention the most is the above white wings. 

If only I have mad Photoshop skill to edit out the frame at the back. 

4 comments on "Fantasy Lighting Festival at Oceanus Waterfront, Kota Kinabalu"
  1. alaaa kak pip tak sempat la nak pergi ... ramai yg up pasal ni, nampak menarik sangat...

    1. Best tu mmg best. Tapi kena pegi time weeknights time tu sbb klu weekend panjang sgt barisan 😆😆

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